Saturday, March 16, 2013

After the rain Cake

Guess what this week is? The Flawless Rainy day in here.
I'm incredibly excited! Have you ever had one of those rainy days where you want to bake something?

I've come to the conclusion that frustrating, cold rainy days only deserve one thing - CAKE!

But trapped inside, I find a new delight. The kitchen counters gloominess outside. The oven warm, rich smell do invites. Attempts at my experiment recipes I've never tried.

Fresh baking smells might lead you to deduce. I'm preparing for some kind of holiday. The truth? A cake is simply my excuse. To make your stormy day a bit less gray...

By bringing friends together, food's endowed, with silver lining, every dark rain cloud.

This month's biggest meteorological anomaly hasn't been rain one day and sun the next.. It's plain and simple rain!

I really like the rain. It makes me so happy! Today, though, the rain is wimpy and chilly and halfhearted, too tired to try. Umbrellas are taken out, then put away, then taken out again. Kids in sweatshirt draw up their hoods and shoulders. A girl in a sundress walks by looking cold and confused. Everything is desaturated in color and not-quite-saturated in water.

Today is the perfect kind of day to create a new recipe,for a After Rain cake! So it's experimenting time! A special pick-me-up, a spontaneous "be happy, friend" a digital "I miss you".

Green, Blue, Purple and Brown are the vivid color of growth, Nature and spring's new shoots and buds, evokes a Freshness and vibrant absolutely perfect for a greeting... Not only does green signal the hope and promise of new beginning, but it also goes the extra mile when it comes to cakes, making them look that much more bright, crisp and refreshing!

 All the sparkling sweat appear!! The fresh look after long rainy day.. a Perfect name for my cake.

I think, this cake is really stunning with fresh and lovely fruits. Have a nice day everyone *^^*

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